
Photos – Dr Hameed Iqbal (TSV) Well it was one of the best hikes we have done s…

Photos – Dr Hameed Iqbal (TSV)

Well it was one of the best hikes we have done so far. It was full of surprises and of exceptional beauty. Even though it was an early season, still there were an unmatched sceneries, wild flowers, lush-green meadows, dense forest – to name a few.

'JAG BANAL' OR 'JABBA' is easily accessible from Kalam town but due to lack of knowledge & awareness, many tourists miss this 'Heavenly' place.

There're Two ways from Kalam to start your journey. One is from Kalam bazar where in middle of the said bazar one has to turn right and cross the bridge. The second one is near the Kalam forest from where a road turns to the right.
Both these means of approach leads to the same place – The bridge over Ushu River.
It's only accessible by a 4×4 vehicle (NOW METALED ROAD WITH CAR). Some 30 minutes of drive will take to the beautiful village of 'BUYUN', from where one can see the town of Kalam from top and have a unique view of its forest, the junction of Utror and Ushu rivers – both these combines to form River Swat🌊. Further from Buyun one can drive upto 30 minutes to reach the last jeep-able point…(if u want to do this in hiking from kalam, it will took 02 to 02 and half hours to reach this point). From here onwards the real thrill starts…one have to hike in the thick dense forest🌲with crystal clear water flowing nearby and with unique flowers🌺 welcoming along the track, and some breathtaking views of the 'Mankial Ranges'. After some 45-50 minutes of hike one will reach to JAG BANAL OR JABBA meadows. From this majestic meadow there is clearer and most beautiful views of CHIMAREEN/SEVEN SISTERS/MANKIAL RANGES🏔. The peaks of Goudar, Desaan, Anakar and Bakaar are clearly visible from here and offers some astounding views of the said peaks. JAG BANAL/ JABBA is a true piece of Heaven on Earth. The vast and huge meadows🏞 under the shadows of a gigantic Mankial Ranges is really a worth seeing place ONCE IN A LIFE.

Unfortunately, due to the & heavy snowfall we didn't reached our destination – BESHAI.

Written by Trekking Swat Valley

This page is to promote tourism in Swat valley. We will post images of beautiful explored and unexplored places of the Swat valley, KPK, P A K I S T A N

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