#Hello_Friends Hope you are well, our YouTube channel is blocked so we have created a new channel. We urge all friends to subscribe to this channel. اسلام علیکم دوستو امید ہے کہ آپ خیریت سے ہونگے ہمارا یوٹیوب چینل بلاک ہوا ہے اس لئے ہم نے نیا چینل بنا رکھا ہے سب دوستوں سے التجا […] More
Hope for the best! If the weather allows, two Pakistani helicopters will fly out early morning today from Skardu for the K2 base camp then pick up four Russian mountaineers led by Vassily Pivtsov, to support rescue on #NangaParbat in favor of Daniele Nardi and Tom Ballard. https://buff.ly/2H4oaqm More
SWAT SCIENCE FESTIVAL ENDS WITH A RAY OF HOPE FOR ASPIRING JUNIOR SCIENTISTS… The two-day science festival, organized by the District Administration in collaboration with Udhyaana, Swat Education Department and Pakistan Alliance for Maths and Science ended on Thursday. The premier festival witnessed a massive attendance of 13,500 students from more than 100 government schools […] More