
Aftab Ahmad Angel’s!Serenity at its best!. Mahodand, Swat Valley.Mahodand Lake…

Aftab Ahmad Angel’s!

Serenity at its best!.
Mahodand, Swat Valley.

Mahodand Lake is a lake located in the upper Usho Valley at a distance of about 40 km from Kalam, Swat District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The lake is accessible by a four-wheel drive vehicle, and is often utilized for fishing and boating

The Mahodand Lake lies at the foothills of Hindu kush mountains at an elevation of 2,865 m (9,400 ft), surrounded by the meadows, mountains and dense forests. Similarly, the banks of Mahodand lake are covered by pines and pastures that serve as a camping site during the summer. The Mahodand lake is fed by melting glaciers and springs of the Hindu Kush mountain and gives rise to Ushu Khwar, the major left tributary of the Swat River.

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Written by Trekking Swat Valley

This page is to promote tourism in Swat valley. We will post images of beautiful explored and unexplored places of the Swat valley, KPK, P A K I S T A N

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