
“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” (By: Br…

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” (By: Brad Paisley)

آپ سب کو نیا سال مبارک ہو۔
‘Trekking Swat Valley’ wishes all of its respected readers and viewers a happy new year, 2019.

Photo credits:
1) Miandam in 1983-CE (by Prof. Khwaja Usman Ali Sir)
2) Kundalao (Kandol) Lake, 2011. (Iftikhar Alvi Alvi)
3) Izmis Lake, 2013. (Aslam Parvaiz)
4) Miangul Sar (Dingi Sar) Peak, 2014. (Saad Mohamed)
5) Shunju Banda, 2013. (Usman Bukhari)
6) Beshai Banal, 2018. (Faizan Ahmad)
7) Neel Sar, 2018. (Faizan Ahmad)
8) Tep Banda, 2014. (Salamgir Khan)
9) Falak Sair Peak, 2011. (Usman Bukhari)

Written by Trekking Swat Valley

This page is to promote tourism in Swat valley. We will post images of beautiful explored and unexplored places of the Swat valley, KPK, P A K I S T A N

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