34 Views0 Comments122 Votes in Photography“Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.” Read More
70 Views0 Comments122 Votes in Photographyذندگی ایک فن ہے لمحوں کو اپنے انداز سے گنوانے کا —جون— Read More
79 Views in PhotographyKalam swat . . . Edit by . .Kalam swat . . . Edit by @asif892khan . . #kalam #swat #swatvalley #kpk #pakistani #photooftheday #naturephotography #nature #khancollection #yousafzai #photographer #dwan_dot_com #naturepakistan #pakistannature #pakistannatureexplorers #explore #exploreswatvalley❤️🇵🇰 #video #videography #videoedits #videoediting MoreMoreReport
68 Views in PhotographyPhotos & thanks: Ayaz Khan Yousafzai Anakar Village and Anakar Dara Kalam,…Photos & thanks: Ayaz Khan Yousafzai Anakar Village and Anakar Dara Kalam, Swat Valley, P A K I S T A N MoreMoreReport
532 Views in PhotographyPhotos & thanks: Naveed H Yousafzaiگاوں کوزہ بانڈئی کا خوبصورت منظر۔ The beau…Photos & thanks: Naveed H Yousafzai گاوں کوزہ بانڈئی کا خوبصورت منظر۔ The beautiful village of Koza Bandai. Swat Valley, P A K I S T A N MoreMoreReport
435 Views in NewsMalala Yousafzai During cadet college Swat VisitFacebook No Description MoreMoreReport
191 Views in MemoriesSwatnama is with Maooz Ahmad Yousafzai and Ejaz Iqbal.Swatnama is with Maooz Ahmad Yousafzai and Ejaz Iqbal. #swatnama MoreMoreReport